Trip to Kimberton 2015 - Final Days
Trip to Kimberton - Final days
Day 7 and 8
By Benjamin Burg
The days are so busy that hardly time to get the kids to sit down and write. We owe a few more stories to at least show that we are alive and well.
Fri, May 1 was US Constitution Center and Tadeusz Kościuszko day. Living News at the Constitution Center is the act to see. Nice and personal the actors presented a few issues regarding the interpretation and protection of peoples rights through the US Constitution. Another personal touch, the US National Park Service opened Kościuszko's home with a private little tour. In that very rented apartment, Kościuszko question the practice of human rights with Jefferson. He backed up his words with an act, take my money purchase, free and education as many slaves as possible.
Sat. May 2, our last full day with host families and capping it off with professional baseball. Picnic tables in the outfield and all you can eat ballpark goodies. Finished with the largest firework display in the history of Reading's Fighting Phils.
As soon as my wonderful students get rested up, we'll get some final journal posts.